Monday, October 12, 2020

Eddhiee at Stonehenge in England

 I browsed through my photos and saw this picture of myself that my friend took when we went to visit a site. We were standing on a slightly bare third floor of a newly unfinished mall and took some photos. Mine was standing still while my eyes creasing because the sun was too bright and I was smiling even though I was wearing my mask.
Well I made this, technically, because I was quite bored with what I was reading at that time and decided to do some artwork.

At first, all I wanted to do was to try and copy what's in the picture minus the background. But then this not so genius idea struck me and I decided to put some background. Although the current background was not the original plan I've decided, in the end, this still turn out pretty well.
It feels like I traveled to England and then went back right away.