Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Ultimate Experience

It was summer when I realized that I have to do something productive or at least have some fun while I'm still young. So, I decided to join Ultimate frisbee. During on my first 2 days of being a newbie on the team I had to be more careful with myself because I always got swelling hands, arms and fingers after the practice because of the wrong catch of disc.  But after that, when they decided to let me join officially to their team it was more tiring. The non-stop drills, the breathtaking practice game, the warm-ups and the jogs. It was all worth it.

I really had fun with them, though I never share my thoughts with them but in my heart they were once my family. I will never forget them nor the fun and memories that we had even in a short time.

I never experience playing on their tournament but hoping someday I will.


My Cleats after a dusty practice.

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